Other News

United States Department of State – Iraq: Travel Advisory Updated

United States Department of State – Iraq: Travel Advisory Updated   From The United States Department of State: The Department of State updated its Travel Advisory for Iraq on October 20, 2023, following the ordered departure of eligible family members and non-emergency U.S. government personnel from U.S. Embassy Baghdad and[Read More…]

by October 22, 2023

It’s On! Dueling Speakahs! The RIGOP Jim Jordan Endorsement & The Rhode Island Democratic Response!

  As these things often do, it all started with a Tweet .. errrr …. X. Then the Hi Jinx ensued. The ongoing debate on the new House Speakah comes home to Lil’ Rhody!           Statement from Rhode Island Democratic National Committeewoman Liz Beretta-Perik Regarding RI[Read More…]

by October 17, 2023

Cranston Mayor Hopkins Condemns Councilman Ferri’s Constant Bickering & Partisanship

From The Office of Mayor Ken Hopkins: Mayor Kenneth J. Hopkins today called out Democratic Councilman Robert Ferri for his constant negativism and partisan criticism as an elected official in the city. “I am so disappointed in Bob Ferri’s incessant carping and unwillingness to be a collegial and participating member[Read More…]

by October 13, 2023

$200K A Year Senate Machine Leadership Toady Preempts Need for Election With Preannounced Staffing Changes: Senate President Announces Anticipated Leadership & Staffing Changes

  From The Office of the Rhode Island Senate President: President of the Senate Dominick J. Ruggerio today announced anticipated leadership and staffing changes to be made official following the special election for Senate District 1 on November 7. The Senate President plans to appoint Senator Valarie J. Lawson as[Read More…]

by October 6, 2023

Connecticut Govenor Lamont: Connecticut, Massachusetts & Rhode Island Sign First-Time Agreement for Multi-State Offshore Wind Procurement. Plus! Announces Connecticut’s Strategic Roadmap for Offshore Wind, Launches Connecticut Wind Collaborative

  Connecticut, Massachusetts & Rhode Island Sign First-Time Agreement For Multi-State Offshore Wind Procurement Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island today announced New England’s first offshore wind multi-state coordination memorandum of understanding (MOU), which creates a pathway for a potential coordinated selection of offshore wind as each state solicits offshore wind energy generation[Read More…]

by October 4, 2023

Congressman Magaziner Update: Speakah McCarthy … Emergency Operations Center … Everett C. Wilcox Health Center!

  All Statements Are Credited To Representative Seth Magaziner:   Statement from Rep. Magaziner on the Motion to Vacate the Speaker: “I voted — along with the majority of the House of Representatives — to change the leadership of the House because I do not believe that Rhode Islanders support the agenda[Read More…]

by October 4, 2023

National Haitian American Elected Officials Network (NHAEON) Writes To President Biden to “Strongly Oppose Your Administration’s Proposed International Military Intervention in Haiti”

    In a strongly worded letter, members of the National Haitian American Elected Officials Network (NHAEON) reached out to American President Joe Biden & American Secretary of State Antony Blinken, to “to strongly oppose your Administration’s proposed international military intervention in Haiti.” “If the U.S. is genuinely interested in[Read More…]

by September 27, 2023

Rhode Island Congressman Magaziner & Haitian Community Leader/Cranston City Councilperson Germaine React To Latest Developments in Haiti

Reactions from the “Addressing the Urgent Security Situation in Haiti UN General Assembly Side Event.” Plus, the text of Acting Deputy Secretary of State and Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland and Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian Nichols post Event Press Availability. The fundamental question? Military intervention,[Read More…]

by September 25, 2023

Republican CD-1 Candidate Gerry Leonard Calls to Keep the Government Open

  From The Gerry Leonard Campaign: Today, retired U.S. Marine veteran and candidate for Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional District Gerry Leonard called upon members from both parties in the House to avoid a potential government shutdown and end the dysfunction that’s become business as usual in Washington. “This is simply[Read More…]

by September 24, 2023

Endorsement! Central Falls Mayor Maria Rivera Endorses Gabe Amo for Congress

  From The Gabe Amo For Congress Campaign:  Today, Central Falls Mayor Maria Rivera endorsed Gabe Amo, the Democratic nominee for Congress in the special election for Rhode Island’s First Congressional District. Mayor Rivera has been Mayor of Central Falls since 2021 and is the first woman and first Latina[Read More…]

by September 23, 2023