This is the message that is being delivered directly to School Boards statewide. Don’t. Even. Think. About. Continuing. Masking. At The Local Level.
Parents are being recruited to engage with The Parents Union to report the attitudes & activities of their local school committees. The Parents Union is the organizational force behind the ongoing litigation, Southwell v McKee, that made news earlier this year for Judge Lanphear’s decision that children, were in fact irreparably harmed, by forced masking. And while mask mandates are in the process of being repealed, the Parents Union is making it clear that attempts to enforce masking at the local level will not be tolerated … with the threat of additional litigation being brought.
Here is a copy of the email being delivered to parents statewide. What Do You Think? If you are a parent, will you join The Parents Union?
Hi. Hello friends!
Are you worried your School Committee may try to subvert the Governor’s lifting of a universal mask mandate by instituting a local policy? #parentsunion is here to help.
Call to Action – Plaintiffs Wanted
We, the Parents Union, are prepared to take legal action against any school districts in the state of Rhode Island that plans to continue a local mask mandate in K-12 public schools. The first step will be an attorney letter to the school committees putting them on notice of intent to file litigation. This letter MUST be sent prior to February 28, 2022.
Step 1: Complete form so we know which school districts need encouragement to #UNMASKOURCHILDREN.
Step 2: We don’t know cost to have attorney letter sent yet. It will depend on number of responses and how many districts are involved.
Step 3: Don’t worry. Your privacy is protected if you fill out the form. We will not share your info with anyone else. We take personal security seriously.
Step 4: Note: This would be a separate lawsuit against local SC’s. No connection to the ongoing Southwell et al vs. McKee parent mask litigation against the State.
Hi I am writing on behalf of Barrington School district. Our district hasn’t adhered to CDC’s quarantine protocol and it is likely they won’t lift the mask mandate and impose their own rules. Their current rules include silent lunch, masked recess outside, and masked sports even outside.
Hi I am writing on behalf of Barrington School district. Our district hasn’t adhered to CDC’s quarantine protocol and it is likely they won’t lift the mask mandate and impose their own rules.
Their current rules include silent lunch, masked recess outside, and masked sports even outside.
In a shock to many, just days after the Rhode Island Primary Election, Rhode Island State Senator Sandra Cano WILL NOT run for re-election. As of now, the consequences of this decision, politically, are unknown. We wish Senator Cano the best in her new endeavor. In a release from[Read More…]
City also to receive new $2.3M federal grant to continue prevention efforts From the Office of Providence Mayor Brett Smiley As part of National Recovery Month, Mayor Brett P. Smiley, Chief of Policy and Resiliency Sheila Dormody and Providence Director of Housing and Human Services Emily[Read More…]
Sudan: One Year of Atrocities Requires New Global Approach Investigations into Deliberate Aid Obstruction, War Crimes Needed As global and regional leaders meet in Paris to spotlight Sudan and mark the one-year anniversary of the country’s brutal conflict between Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF), they should[Read More…]
Anything I can do to end mask mandates, any mandates for that matter, I’m all In!!!!!!
Hi I am writing on behalf of Barrington School district. Our district hasn’t adhered to CDC’s quarantine protocol and it is likely they won’t lift the mask mandate and impose their own rules. Their current rules include silent lunch, masked recess outside, and masked sports even outside.
Hi I am writing on behalf of Barrington School district. Our district hasn’t adhered to CDC’s quarantine protocol and it is likely they won’t lift the mask mandate and impose their own rules.
Their current rules include silent lunch, masked recess outside, and masked sports even outside.
Thank you