Other News

Pump Up the Volume! With Host Dr Luis Daniel Munoz MD! Broadcast: 12012020

Host Dr. Luis Daniel Munoz, MD joins Panelists Bill Bartholomew, Scott Rotondo & Pat Ford discuss the challenges facing Rhode Islanders pursuing Health & Financial Equity during the reign of Covid 19 Join Pump Up The Volume! & Host Dr Luis Daniel Munoz, MD. on The Coalition – Talk Radio,[Read More…]

by December 6, 2020

Jessie Sage: Sex Workers Open Up About Why It’s Hard To Date Online

I met my current husband on OkCupid. I was just getting out of a very long marriage and was convinced that the last thing I wanted to do was get into another serious relationship. I was in the middle of a divorce and very pre-occupied with transitioning my kids to[Read More…]

by December 5, 2020

Rhode Island Governor Raimondo To Deliver Keynote Speech Sponsored By Disgraced National Firm

From: https://www.salesforce.com/dreamforce/ “One thing is certain, no two business experiences have been the same in 2020. During these personalized meetings we’ll build your perfect Customer 360, tailored to you, and your business. We’ll show you how to connect all your departments and provide a single source of truth, so all[Read More…]

by December 1, 2020

Pump Up the Volume! With Host Dr Luis Daniel Munoz! (112420)

Host Dr. Luis Daniel Munoz, MD joins Panelists Bill Bartholomew, Scott Rotondo & Pat Ford discuss the challenges facing Rhode Islanders pursuing Health & Financial Equity during the reign of Covid 19 Join Pump Up The Volume! & Host Dr Luis Daniel Munoz, MD. on The Coalition – Talk Radio,[Read More…]

by November 30, 2020

Jessie Sage: Sex Workers Are Not Your Girlfriend

Photo: Mika Korhonen  “Sex work is work,” is a common refrain of sex workers, and for good reason. Many folks, myself included, make their full-time living through sex work, and a good many more turn to sex work when more conventional forms of employment are undesirable, inaccessible, or unavailable. In[Read More…]

by November 23, 2020

Prof Andrew Hernandez Ph.D. The Border .. Trump .. Cecilia Munoz .. Covid .. Crimes Against Humanity

In his first, post election appearance, Professor Andrew Hernandez Ph.D. Rejoins The Coalition To “Discuss, Well, Everything!” From the excesses (crimes against humanity?) of The Trump Administration .. to an analysis of the immigration record of the Obama Administration .. and moving forward to the puzzling? disturbing? appointment of Cecilia[Read More…]

by November 20, 2020

Conner Drigotas: We Talk Liberty .. Media .. Messaging .. Trump .. His New Tome: Work For Liberty!

  Conner Drigotas: We Talk Liberty .. Media .. Messaging .. Trump .. His New Tome: Work For Liberty! What Do You Think? Please respond in the comments below. And a favor? If you find our work informative, thoughtful, and maybe just a little? controversial? Don’t forget to purchase Work[Read More…]

by November 20, 2020

Regional Coalition of Northeast Governors Announce Colleges Will Be Encouraged to Provide Testing for Students Before Leaving for Thanksgiving Break, Recommend Expanded Remote Instruction to End Fall Semester Safely

Residential Colleges Across the Northeast Should Provide Testing For Students Before they Leave for Thanksgiving Break And Ensure Students are Aware of Quarantine Rules  Governors Recommend That All Travel be Limited for Thanksgiving and Urge Colleges to Utilize Increased Remote Instruction to End Fall Semester, Reducing the Need for Students[Read More…]

by November 18, 2020

Jessie Sage: The Romantic Lives of Sex Workers & Their Partners-Part 2

Photo – Dainis Graveris Last week in my Peepshow Column, I spoke with Sonora Grace, a New Orleans-based sex worker, about her experience entering into a new romantic relationship as a sex worker. I also talked about my own experience as a married sex worker. READ:  The Romantic Lives of[Read More…]

by November 15, 2020

Cecilia Muñoz, Defender of Family Separations Joins Biden Transition team

  From The Inland Coalition For Immigrant Justice: Immigrants are unsafe with Cecilia Muñoz in the administration. She should not be rewarded for selling out immigrant communities for political gain. San Bernardino, CA – On Friday, November 13th, President-elect Joe Biden appointed Cecilia Muñoz to join his transition team. During the[Read More…]

by November 14, 2020