
Lead Poisoning Prevention Day With Homes RI: Safe & Healthy Homes Throughout Rhode Island!

    Housing Advocates met at the Rhode Island State House Library to speak to Lead Poisoning Prevention Day: Focusing on the dangers of still prevalent lead remediation issues, and in support of House & Senate Bills targeting a range of lead related safety issues. Featured Speakers: Representative Mia Ackerman,[Read More…]

by May 25, 2023

Disgraced Cranston Councilman Reilly Formally Suspended From The Bar!

  An “Emergency Petition” for “Interim Suspension” has been filed, and approved by the Rhode Island Supreme Court.  In the order (See Below) , a “Special Master” has been appointed, with the authority to seize Attorney Reilly’s legal records. Mr. Reilly, who has not responded to the Court, has until[Read More…]

by May 19, 2023

Chachachanges! Personnel Announcements At LaProv & Cranston City Hall!

Mayor Brett Smiley Announces Sheila Dormody as Chief of Policy and Resiliency Today, Mayor Brett Smiley announced Sheila Dormody as the Chief of Policy and Resiliency for the City of Providence. Dormody is joining the City of Providence with over 30 years of leadership in policy research, development, and advocacy and has[Read More…]

by April 14, 2023

Matos Congressional Campaign Discusses Whirlwind Fundraising Totals

      From The Sabina Matos Congressional Campaign: Lt. Governor Sabina Matos has raised more than $105,000 in the weeks since she announced her run for Congress in the special election to replace Rep. David Cicilline in Rhode Island’s first district. With an additional personal contribution, Lt. Governor Matos’s[Read More…]

by April 4, 2023

Failing School Choice Act H5774/H5858 Testimony: Education Committee-Rhode Island House of Representatives

  Introduced by Rhode Island Republican House Minority Leader Mike Chippendale      

by April 3, 2023

Mayor Smiley: Moody’s Upgrades City of Providence’s Bond Ratings

  Issuer & GO Ratings Move from Baaa1 to A3; Outlook Is Stable   Mayor Brett P. Smiley announced Moody’s Investors Service has upgraded the City of Providence’s issuer rating from Baa1 to A3 and reported a stable financial outlook. This is the second consecutive rating increase this fiscal year. In[Read More…]

by March 16, 2023

Amy Glidden of RI Transit Riders! When the Needs of Mass Transit Riders Collides with Politics

The Senate President demands RIPTA Head Honcho Scott Avedisian’s resignation .. The sudden resignation of longtime Mass Transit Advocate Congressman David Cicilline .. We spoke with Mass Transit Advocate Amy Glidden of RI Transit Riders, Rhode Island’s leading Transit Rider advocacy group! Find out more about RI Transit Riders @[Read More…]

by February 25, 2023

The Economic Progress Institute Releases Summary of Rhode Island Governor’s Proposed Budget (Report Included)

  Budget surpluses and Rescue Plan funds present rare opportunity for long-term investment   Issued By The Economic Progress Institute: The Economic Progress Institute today released an analysis of Rhode Island Governor Dan Mckee’s proposed FY2024 budget and revised FY2023 budget. The budget analysis summarizes policy proposals and spending recommendations[Read More…]

by February 24, 2023

Grebien Goes To Washington? Pawtucket Mayor Don Grebien Responds To Congressional Speculation!

And the door, as they say, has been left wide open. A statement from oft embattled Mayor Don Grebien on the prospects of filling the Congressional Seat vacated by Congressman David Cicilline … Congressman Cicilline has been a tremendous leader and a strong ally to the City of Pawtucket and[Read More…]

by February 21, 2023

Federal Delegation Brings Home The Bacon! Rhode Island Fire Departments Net $4.5M to Enhance Public Safety

  The Rhode Island Federal Delegation, Sen Reed, Sen Whitehouse, Congressman Cicilline & newly minted Congressman Seth Magaziner can claim scoreboard for 3 Rhode Island communities, bringing home 4.5$ million dollars in grants for Cumberland, Cranston, & Narragansett!   From The Office of Senator Jack Reed:   Cumberland, Cranston, and[Read More…]

by February 17, 2023