Articles by: Pat Ford

Rhode Island Governor McKee Goes Electric! Sort Of? Announces Electric Vehicle Rebate Program To Significant Concerns

Governor Dan McKee  & “Energy Commissioner” Nicholas Ucci announced a rather flawed, poorly thought out, almost cartoonish trial balloon kind of Electric Vehicle Rebate Program today. Long on flash, (It’s got the requisite snappy gub’ment name DRIVEEV … Get it? Drive EV) but short on specifics, the announcement seemed more[Read More…]

by March 15, 2022

Human Rights Watch Today: Russia: Brutal Arrests & Torture, Ill-Treatment of Anti-War Protesters

  Thousands Arrested on March 6; Protesters Abused in Detention From Human Rights Watch: Russian authorities have arbitrarily arrested thousands of peaceful protesters at anti-war rallies across Russia, in line with their increasingly brutal crackdown on those who disagree with Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine, Human Rights Watch said today. The police[Read More…]

by March 9, 2022


From The Michael Neary Campaign: Neary For All announced today that Michael Neary, candidate for the Democratic nomination in Rhode Island’s Second District, submitted a letter to the Rhode Island Board of Elections yesterday requesting an investigation regarding Rhode Island General Treasurer Seth Magaziner’s $800,000 personal loan to his 2014 campaign.  Neary also[Read More…]

by March 8, 2022

Human Rights Watch Today: Ukraine: Mariupol Residents Trapped by Russian Assault / Afghanistan: Taliban Threatening Provincial Media

  Ukraine: Mariupol Residents Trapped by Russian Assault Facilitate Civilians’ Access to Safety; Urgently Restore Water, Electricity Civilians in Ukraine’s southeastern coastal city of Mariupol have not had access to running water, electricity, or heat since March 2, 2022 when Russian forces surrounded the city, as part of a larger offensive,[Read More…]

by March 8, 2022

McKee: Health & Human Services Secretary Womazetta Jones “Leaving State Service”

From The Office of Governor Dan McKee: Today, Governor Dan McKee shared that Executive Office of Health & Human Services Secretary Womazetta Jones will be leaving state service. “Secretary Jones’ tenure leading the Executive Office of Health and Human Services has been defined not only by her experience and thoughtful[Read More…]

by March 7, 2022

Mayor Elorza Releases New Update To Providence Covid 19 Policies: Masking/Testing

  Mayor Jorge O. Elorza today announced the City of Providence is updating its COVID-19 policies based on the CDC’s COVID-19 Community Levels, a new tool to help communities decide what prevention steps to take based on the latest data. According to the CDC, levels can be low, medium, or high[Read More…]

by March 7, 2022

Gregory Fried Rice Meets The Woonsocket City Council – Unintended Hilarity Ensues

That Wacky Woonsocket Town Council is at it again … this time, in a “Very Special Episode of Woonsocket Town Council Meetings” (I know, it sounds like one of those after school specials, or where Facts of Life discussed errrr … those challenging issues). The subject matter? A redevelopment of [Read More…]

by March 7, 2022

Barrington Schools Superintendent Releases Updates to BPS COVID-19 Protocols

  Those crazy kids at the Barrington Schools are at it again. As if it’s not enough to have a School Auditorium/AV Team that puts Radio City Music Hall to shame, the Superintendent has released a multi page presentation of its proposed? in-school mask mandate that features production values that[Read More…]

by March 3, 2022

Hope and Change for Haiti-HnC Celebrates Fifth Annual International Women’s Day

Together We Can Break The Bias Hope and Change for Haiti, along with its partners, Planned Parenthood Votes! Rhode Island, Women’s Fund of Rhode Island, Dialogue on Diversity, and Inclusion of Rhode Island College invite you to its Fifth Annual International Women’s Day celebration on Friday, March 4th, 2022, at[Read More…]

by March 3, 2022

RI Supreme Court Strikes Down Archaic Law Which Declared Inmates Serving Life Sentences “Civilly Dead”

  From Our Interview With Atty DeVoe When The Case Was Originally Filed From The ACLU of Rhode Island: In an important victory for the principle that the courts should be open to all for redress, the Rhode Island Supreme Court today declared unconstitutional an archaic state law enacted over a century-and-a-half[Read More…]

by March 2, 2022