Articles by: Pat Ford

Rhode Island Black Political Action Committee Reaches Out To Bishop Tobin/Diocese of Providence To End Solitary Confinement

Members of The Rhode Island Black Political Action Committee have reached out to Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence. to provide testimony in favor of the 2022 Rhode Island House Bill 7760:  Restrictive Housing At Correctional Facilities Act. As commonly referred to as The Restrictive Housing Act,[Read More…]

by March 29, 2022

Gun Wednesday? Rhode Island House Introduces 24! Second Amendment Bills In Person Testimony Only/No Remote Dial In! Seems Fair, Huh?

Rhode Island House “Gun Day” on Wednesday. 1:00 Afternoon Start. 24 Bills, 4 Days To Read Them.I mean, WTF?   House Bill No. 6616 BY Caldwell, McEntee, Batista, Knight, Cortvriend, Cassar, Amore, Craven, Fogarty, Ajello ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES — WEAPONS {LC3480/1} (Same as 21H-6482 –Prohibits the[Read More…]

by March 25, 2022

It’s The Most Wonderful Night O’ The Year! It’s Gun Night At Halitosis Hall

And A Friday Afternoon Data Dump To Boot! For You Educational Purposes … The Coalition will be reaching out to “both sides of da aisle” for the purposes of discussion. Scroll through, there are 5 pages here … A summary, in PDF form, than hotlinks to each piece of legislation.[Read More…]

by March 25, 2022

Officer Dolan Update: Revocation of No Contact Plus! Police Reports & 46G’s

Note: The first 2 minutes are muted, as we set up, while formalities were observed. It was a hectic day at The Kent County Courthouse, as a flurry of motions successfully sought to terminate the No Contact Order between alleged Pawtucket Police Shooter Daniel Dolan and his family, established on[Read More…]

by March 23, 2022

Pawtucket Mayor Donald Grebien Responds To Officer Dolan LEOBOR Status

In response to a request for comment from The Coalition Radio Network, Pawtucket Mayor Donald Grebien responded with the following statement: “The City of Pawtucket and the Pawtucket Police Department were made aware that Officer Daniel Dolan, who is currently suspended without pay from the Pawtucket Police Department, was arrested[Read More…]

by March 21, 2022

Human Rights Watch Today Ukraine:

Ukraine: Deadly Attacks Kill, Injure Civilians, Destroy Homes Explosive Weapons Leave People Dead, Wounded, Homeless; Damage Vital Infrastructure More than 450 civilians were reportedly killed or injured in the first 11 days of the war, in Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city, as a result of Russian airstrikes and artillery shelling of populated areas,[Read More…]

by March 20, 2022

Confirmation: Pawtucket Policeman Dolan Spending Sunday At The ACI!

With details still at a minimum, as law enforcement sources are citing weekend hours, Officer Dolan is now taking up residence at the Adult Correctional Institute in Cranston. It would appear that a bail violation has been filed, eliminating the possibility that a Justice of the Peace or Bail Bondsman[Read More…]

by March 20, 2022

Flash! Accused Shooter/Pawtucket Police Officer Daniel Dolan Rearrested!

The Coalition has confirmed that accused student shooter, Pawtucket Police Officer Daniel Dolan has been arrested on what is being referred to as a “Domestic Disorderly Conduct Charge”, and is currently being detained. Attempts to reach his Attorney, Michael Colucci, were unsuccessful. The Coventry Police Department were unwilling to comment,[Read More…]

by March 19, 2022

Providence Mayoral Candidate Nirva LaFortune Issues Statement & Video

Providence City Council Member Nirva LaFortune has waded into the broader phase of the 2022 Providence, Rhode Island Mayoral Campaign with gusto, issuing a video which evokes the broader themes of her candidacy. From The Nirva LaFortune Mayoral Campaign: Today, Team Nirva is releasing a new campaign video “Running: For[Read More…]

by March 17, 2022

BLM RI PAC, Rebuild Woonsocket, The WATCH Coalition, Silence is Violence: 401, the RI Queer PAC, and Woonsocket Community Leaders make Joint Statement Following Woonsocket Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt’s Proposed Negligent Spending of Over One-Third of City’s ARPA Funds

On March 15th, it was announced that Woonsocket Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt had submitted a request to the City Council to go out to bid for a $26,000,000 “public safety complex,” the funding for which would include over one-third of the city’s roughly $36 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act[Read More…]

by March 16, 2022