A Call To Action: March 15, 2024 – Formal Hearing on Face Mask Mandates for Children
The first, in what will sadly be a long list of individuals who personally enrich themselves “Helping The Poor”, or “Advocating For Human Rights” …. The Posts will be simple: Copies of documentation*** reporting their outrageous salaries, a few pictures, a brief statement. Please feel free to comment. Or? Better yet, reach out to the offending parties. The Coalition[Read More…]
Gubernatorial Hopeful Paul Rianna Jr. Delivers Petition To McKee Staffer Protestors Refused Access To Rhode Island Department of Health Staff And Building For the third time in as many weeks, licensed medical personnel of virtually any stripe descended on The Rhode Island State House today. Armed with a boisterous sense of solidarity, they chanted at a highly receptive stream[Read More…]
Other fully vaccinated individuals do not need an additional vaccine dose right now Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration amended the emergency use authorizations (EUAs) for both the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine and the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine to allow for the use of an additional dose in certain immunocompromised individuals, specifically, solid organ transplant recipients or those who are[Read More…]
Originally Broadcast 5/11/21
AT A HEARING FOR THE RHODE ISLAND STATE SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, CONSTITUENTS MADE THEIR VOICE HEARD ON A SLATE OF BILLS THAT WOULD SHUT DOWN RHODE ISLAND’S ICE DETENTION FACILITY Dozens of Rhode Island residents called in to a State Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today to testify in favor of a slate of bills that would end all[Read More…]
U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (RI-01) announced today that, as a result of the American Rescue Plan, which Congress passed last month, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is providing new resources for Rhode Islanders who have incurred a COVID-19-related funeral expense since January 20, 2020. Eligible Rhode Islanders may apply for a maximum reimbursement of up to $9,000 per[Read More…]
On a Friday where among the holiest of Jewish & Christian Religious Observances overlap .. Passover & Good Friday … and the onset of The Holy Month of Ramadan just days away, Peace Activists in Boston and Providence conducted solemn observances of the carnage resulting from both the Covid Crisis and the impact of American Foreign Policy In Rhode Island,[Read More…]
During the COVID-19 pandemic, over 750 registered student groups at the University of Pennsylvania have been able to host virtual events. But Penn students interested in hunting, archery, and shooting are being denied permission for even virtual activities. Today, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education called on Penn to stop engaging in viewpoint discrimination and promptly process the students’ application for[Read More…]