Other News

City of Providence Prepares for Winter Weather Conditions Tuesday, Wednesday

  From The Office of Providence Mayor Brett Smiley: Mayor Brett Smiley, Director of Public Works Patricia Coyne Fague and Providence Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) Director Clara Decerbo are warning residents to take precautions as the Providence-area expects strong winds and heavy, wet snow. The National Weather Service has issued[Read More…]

by March 14, 2023

Silicon Valley Bank! Statement: Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen, Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome H. Powell, & FDIC Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg

    The following statement was released by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen, Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome H. Powell, and FDIC Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg: Today we are taking decisive actions to protect the U.S. economy by strengthening public confidence in our banking system. This step will[Read More…]

by March 13, 2023

Department of State Daily Press Briefing ROK & Japan Mexican Kidnappings Russia Türkiye Syria 030623

    Ned Price, State Department Spokesperson, led a discussion on ROK & Japan, Mexican Kidnappings! Russia .. Türkiye .. Syria! at The State Department in Washington, DC The Transcript: MR PRICE:   Good afternoon.  Welcome back to all of those who were traveling with Secretary Blinken.  Welcome to the week[Read More…]

by March 7, 2023

Providence, Rhode Island City Council Supports Percentage Income Payment Plans for Struggling Gas & Electric Customers (English & Spanish)

 At tonight’s City Council meeting, councilors urged state lawmakers to pass a Rhode Island percentage income payment plan (PIPP) for electric and natural gas utility customers who may be struggling to pay their bills. The resolution points to rate hikes in electricity and natural gas for many Rhode Islanders still recovering from losses[Read More…]

by March 3, 2023

Department of State Daily Press Briefing- Nigerian Elections The Taliban Greece Russia North Korea03/01/23

Ned Price, State Department Spokesperson, led a discussion on The Taliban, Greece, Russia & more! at The State Department in Washington, DC The Transcript: MR PRICE: Good afternoon. Good to see everyone. Two announcements at the top and then we’ll turn to your questions. First, the United States congratulates the people of[Read More…]

by March 2, 2023

Defend The Guard! Legislation Passes Legislative Committee In Montana! Video/Press Statement/Legislation Included

From Defend The Guard: The House Energy, Technology, and Federal Relations Committee of the Montana House of Representatives passed H.B. 527, the Defend the Guard Act, and the bill will proceed to the House floor. This bill would prohibit the deployment of the Montana National Guard into overseas combat missions[Read More…]

by February 28, 2023

Department of State Daily Press Briefing- Israel & The West Bank PRC Korea Türkiye Aqaba! 02/27/23

  Ned Price, State Department Spokesperson, led a discussion on Israel & The West Bank, The PRC, Korea, Türkiye, & Aqaba! at The State Department in Washington, DC The Transcript: Good afternoon. I have one thing at the top, and then I look forward to taking your questions. The United[Read More…]

by February 28, 2023

City of Providence & Providence Public School Snow Information!

      The City of Providence Responds! Mayor Brett Smiley, Director of Public Works Patricia Coyne Fague and Providence Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) Director Clara Decerbo are warning residents to take precautions as the Providence-area expects snow accumulation and dangerously cold temperatures Monday night, through Tuesday. “We are taking this storm seriously,[Read More…]

by February 28, 2023

Pawtucket’s Winter School: Cursed? Another Mechanical Failure Causes Delays In Reopening

    From The Pawtucket School Department: This morning it was discovered that another heating coil failed at Henry J. WInters Elementary School, causing more water damage to classrooms in the building. The damage is significantly lower than the previous as it was caught much earlier, however, it is enough[Read More…]

by February 26, 2023

Amy Glidden of RI Transit Riders! When the Needs of Mass Transit Riders Collides with Politics

The Senate President demands RIPTA Head Honcho Scott Avedisian’s resignation .. The sudden resignation of longtime Mass Transit Advocate Congressman David Cicilline .. We spoke with Mass Transit Advocate Amy Glidden of RI Transit Riders, Rhode Island’s leading Transit Rider advocacy group! Find out more about RI Transit Riders @[Read More…]

by February 25, 2023