Articles by: Pat Ford

Disastrous Pawtucket Schools Star Report Issued By Rhode Island Department of Education

  It was another difficult day for the City of Pawtucket, Rhode Island School District. Hard on the heels that the influential New England Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC) had issued a formal accreditation warning for apparently dangerous operating conditions at Shea High School, the Rhode Island Department of[Read More…]

by December 19, 2022

Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) Calls on @Twitter to Restore Accounts Of Suspended Journalists

  Twitter should immediately reinstate the journalists whose accounts it suspended without notice and explicitly commit to practices that defend a free and independent media, Jodie Ginsberg, president of the Committee to Protect Journalists, said in a statement Friday. Responding to news reports that Twitter had suspended the accounts of at least six[Read More…]

by December 18, 2022

Cicilline, 40 Members Introduce Legislation to Bar Trump From Federal Office

  Congressman David N. Cicilline (RI-01), senior member of the House Committee on the Judiciary and former impeachment manager today was joined by 40 of colleagues in introducing legislation to bar former President Trump from holding federal office under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment of the[Read More…]

by December 16, 2022

World Human Rights Update: Human Rights Watch / The US State Department

Human Rights Watch:  Syria Repatriations Lag for Foreigners with Alleged ISIS Ties.  More than 42,400 Adults and Children Held in Life-Threatening Conditions From Human Rights Watch More than 42,400 foreigners accused of Islamic State (ISIS) links remain abandoned by their countries in camps and prisons in northeast Syria despite increased repatriations of[Read More…]

by December 15, 2022

Breaking! Pawtucket’s Shea High School Placed On Formal Warning By New England Association Of Schools & Colleges, Safety Issues Endanger Accredidation

  NOTE: This story will be periodically updated throughout the coming days The New England Association of Schools & Colleges, Commission on Public Schools is the Agency of Accreditation for the City of Pawtucket Public Schools, including the troubled Shea High School. Some background on NEASC: From The NEASC Website:[Read More…]

by December 15, 2022

Rhode Island Department of Labor & Training Announces 2023 Unemployment Insurance & Temporary Disability Insurance Tax Rates

Department of Labor and Training Announces 2023 Tax Rates For Unemployment Insurance & Temporary Disability Insurance The Department of Labor and Training (DLT) today announced the 2023 tax rates for the unemployment insurance (UI) and temporary disability insurance (TDI) programs. Effective January 1, 2023, unemployment insurance tax rates will move[Read More…]

by December 14, 2022

Committee To Protect Journalists: Journalist imprisonments Reach 30-Year High

  Dramatic rise in arrests makes Iran world’s worst jailer of journalists in 2022 From CPJ-The Committee To Protect Journalists The number of journalists imprisoned worldwide is the highest ever recorded in the 30 years that the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has produced its prison census, the organization said[Read More…]

by December 14, 2022

Providence Public Schools & RIDE Announce Next Phase Of $500 Million Plan To Rebuild Crumbling Schools

Plan Puts More Students In 21st Century Learning Spaces-Includes 10 New Or Like-New Schools From The Providence Public School District & The Rhode Island Department Of Education: Today the Providence Public School District (PPSD) and the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) announced the next phase of an historic plan[Read More…]

by December 13, 2022


          Attorneys for the American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island and the R.I. Center for Justice have today filed a complaint on behalf of two dozen homeless individuals to allow them to continue camping at the State House to protest the lack of adequate housing[Read More…]

by December 13, 2022

The Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council: “Municipal Services in Rhode Island: How Cities and Towns Spend Their Money”

From The Rhode Island Public Expenditures Council: The Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council (RIPEC) released their report “Municipal Services in Rhode Island: How Cities and Towns Spend Their Money” today. The fourth in a series on municipal finance, the report analyzes how municipalities allocate resources across non-education services, such as[Read More…]

by December 13, 2022