Post Tagged with: "Cienki"

Rhode Island GOP’s Cienki To Gorbea Campaign: Better Lawyer Up!

Rhode Island GOP’s Cienki To Gorbea Campaign: Better Lawyer Up!

    Friday, Sue Cienki, Rhode Island Republican chairwoman, filed a complaint with the Board of Elections against the Latino Victory Political Fund for their television advertisement in support of R.I. Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea. Their advertisement failed to disclose their top five donors as required by state law. Cienki stated, “While Gorbea portrays herself as a champion of fair elections, the biggest[Read More…]

by September 17, 2022 0 comments Politics
Rhode Island Republican Party Fires Opening Salvo At Nominee McKee #PawSoccer

Rhode Island Republican Party Fires Opening Salvo At Nominee McKee #PawSoccer

From The Rhode Island Republican Party: MEDIOCRE MCKEE Rhode Island’s Democratic gubernatorial primary was one for the record books. Last night, approximately 110,000 votes were cast in the Democratic gubernatorial primary. This was the lowest total for a hotly contested Rhode Island Democratic gubernatorial primary since 1994. This occurred despite recent legislation eliminating mail ballot safeguards and allowing for early voting for[Read More…]

by September 15, 2022 0 comments Politics
"Jungle Primaries" Is This The Solution To Rhode Island's Political Woes? "Doc" Corvese Thinks So. GOP Chair Cienki Reacts

“Jungle Primaries” Is This The Solution To Rhode Island’s Political Woes? “Doc” Corvese Thinks So. GOP Chair Cienki Reacts

  Are “Jungle Primaries” the answer to reform the calcified Rhode Island Electoral System? State Representative Arthur “Doc” Corvese (D-55) thinks so.  Rhode Island Republican State Chair Sue Cienki begs to differ. In a “Jungle Primary”, primary elections effectively create a runoff between the two candidates who receive the most votes, regardless of party affiliation. Proponent’s claim “Switching to an[Read More…]

by January 31, 2022 0 comments Politics