Other News

McKee Extends Executive Orders: Extension of Executive Orders 21-87, 21-109, 22-01 and 21-06

  Breaking! Governor Daniel McKee, in the face of intense political opposition elected to extend a variety of Executive Orders until February 14. Interestingly, the Rhode Island State Senate elected to postpone a hearing on a resolution granting McKee additional powers to extend … more to come …  

by February 3, 2022

CDC Data Released Ahead of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Highlights Factors that Contribute to Continuing HIV Disparities in the U.S. From The Federal Centers For Disease Control & Prevention: Despite overall progress in reducing HIV transmission in the United States, HIV continues to affect some groups more than others due to longstanding and ingrained barriers. Black or African American (hereafter referred[Read More…]

by February 3, 2022

Providence Pension Working Group Co-Chaired by Providence Foundation, Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce, RIPEC Submits Report to City of Providence

Report follows six months of public meetings and presentations hosted by the Pension Working Group From The City of Providence: Mayor Jorge Elorza and the Providence City Council today received a detailed report from the Providence Pension Working Group, outlining the group’s findings, including a series of recommendations for how[Read More…]

by January 31, 2022

Will Rhode Islander’s Continue To Accept A State Of Emergency That Limits Civil Liberties, Diminishes The General Assembly, & Allows For An Arbitrary & Capricious Executive Branch? Representatives Shekarchi Blazejewski Ackerman et al Seem To Think So.

Legislation has been filed, to be heard tomorrow evening, to extend the Executive Order employed by Governors Raimondo & Governor McKee to use Executive Orders to enforce arbitrary & capricious orders regulating nearly every aspect of everyday life, all under the guise of safety, during the Pandemic. Most states are[Read More…]

by January 31, 2022

“Jungle Primaries” Is This The Solution To Rhode Island’s Political Woes? “Doc” Corvese Thinks So. GOP Chair Cienki Reacts

  Are “Jungle Primaries” the answer to reform the calcified Rhode Island Electoral System? State Representative Arthur “Doc” Corvese (D-55) thinks so.  Rhode Island Republican State Chair Sue Cienki begs to differ. In a “Jungle Primary”, primary elections effectively create a runoff between the two candidates who receive the most[Read More…]

by January 31, 2022

Hey Rhode Island! This Week At Halitosis Hall! (Credit Rudy Cheeks)

Recycling Meds. .. Penalties On Plastic Bags?.. No Sales Tax On Masks? Legalizing Brackets? It’s All Here! Rep. McNamara bill would create program to redistribute unused medications Rep. Joseph M. McNamara (D-Dist. 19, Warwick, Cranston) has introduced legislation that would create a way to redistribute unused medication to aid people[Read More…]

by January 30, 2022

Longstanding Conditions Of Toxic Neglect & Abuse: DARE (Direct Action For Rights & Equality) Protest At Rhode Island Adult Correctional Institute

    From DARE-Direct Action For Rights & Equality On Monday the 27th, concerned community members will be calling for action to be taken around the longstanding conditions of toxic neglect and abuse at the ACI, as well as the current 23+ hour COVID lockdown. Formerly incarcerated people – one[Read More…]

by January 29, 2022

In Preparation for Travel Ban, RIPTA to Suspend All Service, Including RIde Paratransit Service, Beginning Tomorrow, Saturday, January 29, 2022


by January 28, 2022

Peter Principle Alive & Well In Rhode Island: McDonald In As Interim Director As McKee Announces Health Dept Transition Team

“Dr. McDonald will assume the day-to-day responsibilities of RIDOH Director while the search for a permanent candidate continues.” In a move that can only be seen as a nightmare scenario for regular Rhode Islanders, Dr. James McDonald has been appointed as a sort of interim Director of the Rhode Island[Read More…]

by January 27, 2022


  From The Rhode Island ACLU: WHAT: The R.I. Supreme Court is hearing oral argument tomorrow, Thursday, January 27, in a case challenging the state’s Reproductive Privacy Act, the 2019 statute that codified the principles of Roe v.Wade into state law. The law was promoted for years by pro-choice advocacy[Read More…]

by January 26, 2022