Articles by: Pat Ford

Robert Lancia Steps Away From Congressional Race!

Retired Navy Chaplain Worked Tirelessly Through 2 Election Cycles To Represent Liberty Republican Ethos In The United States Congress From The Robert Lancia Campaign: Retired Navy Chaplain and Republican Congressional Candidate, Robert “Bob” Lancia, comments on his Second Congressional Campaign: “The past three years running for the Rhode Island Congressional[Read More…]

by June 29, 2022

Tanner Appointed New Commerce Corp RI Head Honcho!

Liz Tanner is “In!” Recently resigned Stefan Pryor, fresh off his appearance at yesterday’s Rhode Island Democratic Convention, as a Candidate for Treasurer is “Out”! Her first battle? Tonight? As the McKee Administration works desperately to bail out a highly flawed Tidewater Landing proposal From The Office of Governor Dan[Read More…]

by June 27, 2022

Rhody Congressional Magaziner Reacts to Republican Fung’s Misleading Statement On Supreme Court Overturn of Roe v. Wade

Statement From The Seth Magaziner Campaign: In response to today’s disastrous SCOTUS decision, Republican Allan Fung said: “Despite today’s SCOTUS decision, nothing will change here in Rhode Island after the 2019 codification of Roe protections,” neglecting to mention he opposed the 2019 law that codified Roe protections in Rhode Island[Read More…]

by June 24, 2022

The Rhode Island Political Class Weighs In On Roe V. Wade Overturn!

The following are statements issued by individual elected leaders and/or their campaigns. Note: There may be some fundraising links in their statements …. Today is a dark day in American history, and we must organize and work together to fight back against the oppression of anti-choice extremists. Democrats believe women[Read More…]

by June 24, 2022

The Supreme Court Of The United States: New York State Pistol Association Et al v. Bruen, Superintendent New York State Police et al The Opinion!


by June 23, 2022

Libertoonian! “You Get A New Car Payment” June 21, 2022


by June 22, 2022

Firearms Policy Coalition: “These draconian measures run roughshod over the most fundamental rights of the people.”

From The Firearms Policy Coalition: Firearms Policy Coalition issued the following statement in response to Rhode Island Gov. Daniel McKee’s signing of three gun control bills: Last week the Rhode Island legislature passed several pieces of anti-rights legislation over a wave of objections by the people. Those bills ban standard capacity[Read More…]

by June 22, 2022

Parents United RI Reacts To Sexual Assault Bills & Media Victim Shaming

During the 2022 legislative session, Parents United RI has fiercely advocated for the passage of S2219 and H8230, which would close a loophole in the RI General Law that allows those in positions of authority to have sexual contact with children as young as 14 years old.  At present, the[Read More…]

by June 20, 2022

Now State Senate Candidate Lugo Retrains Sights On Democratic Senate Majority Leader Michael J. McCaffrey

  In a stunning move, Now State Senatorial Candidate Jeann Lugo has stepped away from the Lt Governors race and stepped up to take on long time Democratic Operative/Senate Majority Leader Michael J. McCaffrey, in District 29, Warwick. Mr. McCaffrey became the center of the Rhode Island Political Storm, after[Read More…]

by June 20, 2022

Morley Field Crisis Explodes! Former Sewage Processing Site Used As Baseball/Playing Field Since “1970s or 1980s” District 5 Councilor Gregor Demands Explanation At Next City Council Meeting!

  While other City Leaders stay curiously silent, District 5 Pawtucket City Councilor Clovis Gregor has weighed in on the Poisoned Pawtucket Morley Field Crisis,  …  and demanded the following: “More extensive and extended public notice period than the limited (abutters-only notice) which was expeditiously sought by Blackstone Distribution” “asking[Read More…]

by June 19, 2022