The following are statements issued by individual elected leaders and/or their campaigns. Note: There may be some fundraising links in their statements ….
Today is a dark day in American history, and we must organize and work together to fight back against the oppression of anti-choice extremists. Democrats believe women in America have the right to make their own health care decisions and that politicians should never get in the way of these private decisions.
Today’s Supreme Court ruling is the culmination of a coordinated Republican effort to attack this fundamental freedom – but Democrats will fight back with every tool we can, and voters of every political persuasion will hold the GOP accountable in 2022.
This news is tragic, and it will do nothing to end abortion. What SCOTUS has done is end SAFE abortion. People’s lives are in danger, and we cannot give up. Join us and help us organize to reverse this devastating decision.
United and strong,
Rhode Island Democratic Party
Governor Lamont Statement On U.S. Supreme Court Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade
Governor Ned Lamont today released the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturns the landmark protections on reproductive rights that were prescribed nearly 50 years ago in Roe v. Wade:
“Today’s Supreme Court decision drastically oversteps the constitutional right for Americans to make their own reproductive healthcare decisions without government interference. Decisions on reproductive healthcare should only be made between a patient and their doctor without the interference of politicians. This ruling will not only result in a patchwork of unequal laws among the states, but more importantly it will result in dangerous and life-threatening situations similar to what this country witnessed countless times in the era prior to the landmark Roe case in which women died or were left severely injured because they could not access the medical care that they should have every right to access on their own.
“I am grateful to live in Connecticut, where our laws make it clear that women have a right to choose. As long as I am governor, reproductive rights will be protected in Connecticut and I will do everything in my power to block laws from being passed that restrict those rights.”
In May, Governor Lamont signed Public Act 22-19, a first-in-the-nation law that protects medical providers and patients seeking abortion care in Connecticut who may be traveling from other states that have outlawed abortion. Additionally, the law expands abortion access in Connecticut by expanding the type of practitioners eligible to perform certain abortion-related care.
Councilwoman and Mayoral Candidate Nirva LaFortune on the Overturning of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey
The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey is not shocking. Right wing extremists have been planning for this moment for decades. They have been organizing, fundraising, and mobilizing a coalition of anti-choice voters to the polls year after year. They have always been guided by one principle: every election matters. Year after year, the institutions of the Republican Party and anti-choice factions of the Democratic Party have remained singularly focused on destroying the right to an abortion.
All of the issues facing our Nation are interconnected, woven together by a history of racism, misogyny, and disinvestment in marginalized communities. Today’s decision will worsen health outcomes, it will worsen economic outcomes, and it will make our Nation less safe and less healthy.
Today’s decision represents a catastrophic moment in our history. Women, trans men, and non-binary folks are in danger. Make no mistake about it.
In moments like these, it is natural to question: what am I able to do? How will whatever I do today make my community a better place when the powers that be have so much influence over our daily lives?
To that I say, let today be your motivation to dig deep and summon the resolve to stare down the powerful and say enough is enough. If today is the day you rest so that you can organize tomorrow, do so. We need you in this fight. Your ideas, your vision for a brighter future, and your resolve to settle for nothing less – we need that now.
The moment the draft opinion leaked, my team and I got to work planning how we elevate the issue of access to abortion and the right to bodily autonomy and self-control in this campaign. As a candidate for our City’s highest office, I owe it to the people of Providence to speak out on important issues. The Mayor’s Office is a bully pulpit. And I will use that tool relentlessly to advocate for the people of Providence and their access to abortion and reproductive healthcare.
Today is a sad day. It’s a scary day. And it is a day that will go down as a stain in our history. But it is up to us to decide how we respond. I’m choosing to fight. And I hope everyone concerned for our future will join me.

ACLU of RI executive director Steven Brown issued the following statement today in response the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson
Today’s court decision is an unprecedented attack on women’s rights and reproductive freedom.
Forcing someone to carry a pregnancy against their will has life-altering consequences, including possible serious health risks from continued pregnancy and childbirth, and the derailment of efforts to achieve equal status in the workplace and to make critical decisions about their lives, families, and careers.
Thanks to the General Assembly’s passage of the Reproductive Privacy Act three years ago, abortion remains safe and legal in Rhode Island. But it is essential that our leaders go further to ensure abortion is not only legal, but also accessible and affordable for everyone who needs it. It is therefore absolutely critical that legislators pass the Equality in Abortion Coverage Act at the earliest possible opportunity.
Some of our most fundamental rights are now in jeopardy as a result of this decision, and the ACLU of Rhode Island pledges to work with others in fighting back against this extraordinary judicial attack on our basic freedoms.
Joy Fox Statement on today’s Supreme Court ruling
“Today’s Supreme Court decision to overturn 50 years of our constitutional right to an abortion does not mark the end of our fight for reproductive justice. It marks the beginning of a new one.the call for President Biden to immediately issue an executive order to protect access to reproductive health care. As the letter states, ‘Now is the time for equally bold action to protect the right to an abortion.'”
“Like our grandmothers, mothers, and aunts before us, it is our time to act so that every woman in every state has full access to health care, including safe abortion care. “It is now up to Congress to preserve this right to health care. When elected, I will join the effort making this the law of the land. But women across America cannot wait. I support
Secretary Nellie Gorbea Makes Statement on U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision to Strike Down Roe v. Wade
In response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to strike down fifty years of precedent by overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, Secretary Nellie Gorbea issued the following statement:
“I am appalled at the Supreme Court’s final ruling. Access to abortion is a fundamental right and I’m proud that we’ve worked together to protect that right in Rhode Island, including codifying Roe into state law. As Governor I will do everything in my power to ensure that Rhode Islanders will continue to have equitable access to safe and legal abortions. Passing the Rhode Island Equity in Abortion Coverage ACT will be a priority for me as Governor but I would welcome a special session of the General Assembly to pass this law prior to January 2023.”
Magaziner Statement on Supreme Court Overturn of Roe v. Wade
Today General Treasurer and congressional candidate Seth Magaziner issued the following statement regarding the Supreme Court decision in overturning Roe v. Wade:
“Today’s Supreme Court ruling is a devastating step backward for women and underscores how high the stakes are for this election,” said General Treasurer and congressional candidate Seth Magaziner. “In Congress, I will fight to codify the protections of Roe v. Wade into federal law so that women across the country can make their own healthcare decisions.”
As General Treasurer, Magaziner advocated and helped pass the Reproductive Privacy Act into state law. Magaziner’s opponent, Republican Allan Fung, opposed the Reproductive Privacy Act that codified Roe v. Wade into Rhode Island law and has previously been endorsed by the RI RIght to Life, a group that seeks to make abortion illegal.
