Post Tagged with: "Women"

Flash! RI Democratic Women's Caucus Endorses Geena Pham for District 3 Special Election

Flash! RI Democratic Women’s Caucus Endorses Geena Pham for District 3 Special Election

In the most hotly contested local election in Rhode Island this year, the race to replace Washington Bound Senator Gayle Goldin has just caught fire. The Rhode Island Democratic Women’s Caucus, arguably one of the most important influences in the New World of Democratic politics, has officially weighed in, endorsing Geena Pham. The field is crowded: Democrats Shirley Francis-Fraser, Hilary[Read More…]

by September 22, 2021 0 comments Politics
RI Democratic Women's Caucus Chair Liz Gledhill Announces Plans to Resign

RI Democratic Women’s Caucus Chair Liz Gledhill Announces Plans to Resign

The Rhode Island Democratic Women’s Caucus is sad to announce that our Chair, Liz Gledhill, will be stepping down from her position. Her last meeting as Chair will be June 23, at our in-person fundraiser at Riffraff Bookstore and Bar patio, in Providence. (Tickets on sale at the Women’s Caucus website.) “We will miss Liz. She has done a terrific job[Read More…]

by May 21, 2021 0 comments Politics