Post Tagged with: "Fung"

City Council Candidate Jackie Goldman Wins The Day Plus! Allan Fung On Roe V. Wade-Matt Brown Pokes Boomer Democrats

City Council Candidate Jackie Goldman Wins The Day Plus! Allan Fung On Roe V. Wade-Matt Brown Pokes Boomer Democrats

Former Cranston Mayor/Rhode Island Congressional District 2 Primary Candidate Allan Fung on the controversy circling the current Supreme Court debate on Roe V. Wade: “My views are in line with the majority of Rhode Islanders.  As your next Congressman, I would not vote for legislation that allowed late term or partial birth abortion, and I would be against taxpayer funding[Read More…]

by May 3, 2022 1 comment Civil Liberties
NY Congressperson/Donald Trump Acolyte Elise Stefanik Endorses Allan Fung For Congress In RI-02!

NY Congressperson/Donald Trump Acolyte Elise Stefanik Endorses Allan Fung For Congress In RI-02!

Controversial Republican Congressperson Elise Stefanik, who started her career as the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, and evolved from a George Bush moderate appointee, to an ardent supporter of President Donald Trump, has weighed in on the 2nd Rhode Island Congressional Republican Primary. From: Elise For Congress (The Coalition Radio Network has reached out to the field challenging Mr.[Read More…]

by May 1, 2022 0 comments Politics