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Post Tagged with: "Commerce"

Flash! Major Political Betting Website Begins To Show Significant Tilt Away From Gina Nomination!

Flash! Major Political Betting Website Begins To Show Significant Tilt Away From Gina Nomination!

  In a dramatic move, the political betting website, made a dramatic swing Away from the prospect of a successful Gina Raimondo nomination for Commerce Secretary, under newly elected President Joseph Biden. A 9Cent move was recorded by the market towards a 67 or less vote for approval According to “PredictIt is a research project of Victoria University[Read More…]

by February 22, 2021 0 comments Politics
Rhode Island Government Offers Big Bucks Corporate Welfare To Out Of State Investors While Stiffing Rhody Businesses

Rhode Island Government Offers Big Bucks Corporate Welfare To Out Of State Investors While Stiffing Rhody Businesses

Brewed Awakenings, a Rhode Island based chain of Coffee Cafe’s, has, like many Rhode Island restaurants, seen their business ruthlessly challenged by the 1 2 punch of a Pandemic, followed by a seemingly endless, oft changing list of rules, infrastructure investments. and state imposed limitations on their ability to conduct business. Imagine, than, the reaction of Brewed Management when informed[Read More…]

by February 11, 2021 0 comments Business
The Text: Gina Raimondo's State Of The State Speech

The Text: Gina Raimondo’s State Of The State Speech

Speaker Shekarchi, Senate President Ruggerio, my fellow Rhode Islanders: We come together tonight, united by the love we share for our great state and our belief that our best days are ahead. Each year, we gather in this chamber with the General Assembly, General Officers, judges, cabinet members, local leaders, and so many others. I am missing these colleagues tonight[Read More…]

by February 4, 2021 0 comments Politics