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Post Tagged with: "Brewed Awakenings"

"The Governor has walked away from us in my opinion, so I’m walking away from him!"

“The Governor has walked away from us in my opinion, so I’m walking away from him!”

Restauranteur Dave Levesque: Proprietor Brewed Awakenings has essentially dismissed Governor Dan McKee. In a damning email, he essentially dismisses the efforts of McKee & Temporary DLT Honcho Matt Weldon, to address the “Underemployment Crisis” as “Weak Kneed”. Apparently, Weldon had implied a compromise had been met with competing legislation designed to incentivize a return to the work place.  And then,[Read More…]

by May 7, 2021 2 comments Politics
Rhode Island Restaurant Industry In Uproar! Factions Emerge In Response To Successive "Do Nothing" Administrations

Rhode Island Restaurant Industry In Uproar! Factions Emerge In Response To Successive “Do Nothing” Administrations

    Is it a case of “Paralysis Through Analysis”? Rival factions are beginning to emerge in the Rhode Island Restaurant Industry. And as a seemingly endless series of “C Suite” meetings occur, with little or no results, the Summer Tourism Season is in jeopardy, as restaurants around the state face critical staffing shortages. The Mother’s Day observance, which many[Read More…]

by April 18, 2021 1 comment Business
Dave Levesque/Brewed Awakenings & Brian Kingsford/Bacaro Joined The Coalition. Let's Get To Work! #RIBWI

Dave Levesque/Brewed Awakenings & Brian Kingsford/Bacaro Joined The Coalition. Let’s Get To Work! #RIBWI

  Brian Kingsford, Owner, Bacaro Restaurant & Dave Levesque, Owner Brewed Awakenings joined The Coalition Talk Radio to discuss the critical challenges facing the Hospitality Industry, the Rhode Island Economy and The Nation Writ Large at the onset of a Post Covid ? Economy. Mr. Levesque formally presented, and explained his innovative approach to a burgeoning crisis: The inability of[Read More…]

by April 4, 2021 0 comments Business

The Coalition Radio Focus On Business: Dave Levesque – Rhode Island’s Brewed Awakenings 12/29/20 PT2

Dave Levesque, Proprietor Extraordinaire of Brewed Awakenings, joined The Coalition Focus On Business for the second part of the evenings proceedings. Brewed’s history, their evolution from Coffee House to a full Dining Experience. And of course, the Covid Era Challenges facing any Food/Entertainment Business. We talk supply chains, employees, fixed costs and a provocative discussion of Rhode Island’s response to[Read More…]

by January 9, 2021 0 comments Business