Gina Raimondo


by December 12, 2020 0 comments Gina Raimondo


by December 12, 2020 0 comments Gina Raimondo
Rhode Island Governor Raimondo To Deliver Keynote Speech Sponsored By Disgraced National Firm

Rhode Island Governor Raimondo To Deliver Keynote Speech Sponsored By Disgraced National Firm

From: “One thing is certain, no two business experiences have been the same in 2020. During these personalized meetings we’ll build your perfect Customer 360, tailored to you, and your business. We’ll show you how to connect all your departments and provide a single source of truth, so all your employees can deliver the best customer experiences from anywhere. Please[Read More…]

by December 1, 2020 0 comments Gina Raimondo, Politics
Regional Coalition of Northeast Governors Announce Colleges Will Be Encouraged to Provide Testing for Students Before Leaving for Thanksgiving Break, Recommend Expanded Remote Instruction to End Fall Semester Safely

Regional Coalition of Northeast Governors Announce Colleges Will Be Encouraged to Provide Testing for Students Before Leaving for Thanksgiving Break, Recommend Expanded Remote Instruction to End Fall Semester Safely

Residential Colleges Across the Northeast Should Provide Testing For Students Before they Leave for Thanksgiving Break And Ensure Students are Aware of Quarantine Rules  Governors Recommend That All Travel be Limited for Thanksgiving and Urge Colleges to Utilize Increased Remote Instruction to End Fall Semester, Reducing the Need for Students to Travel Back-and-Forth Between Campus and Home Multiple Times   Rhode[Read More…]

by November 18, 2020 0 comments Gina Raimondo