Articles by: Pat Ford

Chas Calenda – Attorney At Law! The Pilot


by April 2, 2021

Coalition Talk Radio: RI Coalition Of Housing Providers!


by April 2, 2021

Stephanie Meuse: Educational Activist Let’s Talk RICAS! The Facts .. The Myths .. The Opt Out?


by April 2, 2021

Pump Up The Volume! Latino Policy Institute March 30 2021


by April 2, 2021

Rhode Island Legal Services & ACLU File Court Brief Blasting State Education Policy Undermining Rights of English Language Learners

Rhode Island Legal Services and the American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island have filed a detailed brief in R.I. Superior Court seeking to overturn a decision issued last year by the Council of Elementary and Secondary Education (“Council”) that the groups claim violate “the rights of English Learners throughout[Read More…]

by March 30, 2021

Who’s Telling The Truth? Why Does Cumberland School Superintendent Mitchell Insist On Mandatory RICAS Participation?

  Standardized testing, by its very nature, is controversial. Typical allegations include, but are not limited to: Institutional Racism … Wasted Efforts “Teaching To The Test” … Lost Classroom Time (a charge exacerbated during the pandemic) … The Actual Validity Of The Data. So why, in the face of all[Read More…]

by March 30, 2021

Cumberland Superintendent Drops The Hammer! You WILL Take RICAS!

    FLASH! We’ve Updated The Story! Parents! Have you received this Email?  We will be discussing the legality of this, and other RICAS related issues on The Coalition Talk Radio .. Know Your Rights & Stay Tuned! From: Cumberland School Department <> Date: 3/26/2021 4:03:49 PM Subject: Superintendent’s Communication[Read More…]

by March 29, 2021

Rhode Island Judge Refuses To Dismiss Lawsuit Challenging Archaic State Law That Deems Inmates Serving Life Sentences “Civilly Dead”

A federal judge today refused to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of a 100-year-old statute that declares inmates serving life sentences at the ACI to be “dead in all respects” with respect to “all civil rights.” The lawsuit, filed two years ago by ACLU of Rhode Island cooperating attorneys[Read More…]

by March 29, 2021

Latino Policy Institute Releases Poll of Providence Latino Parents Regarding COVID-19 Impacts on Local Education

  Including Virtual Learning, Ongoing COVID-19 concerns, Providence Public School Turnaround, Expanding and Charter Schools.  The Latino Policy Institute (LPI) has released the results from a recent poll which surveyed 261 Providence Latino parents conducted in February 2021 by Change Research regarding the experiences and views of local parents on issues around[Read More…]

by March 29, 2021

Raytheon Anti War Campaign/Massachusetts Citizens Send Message To Biden: Honor Your Promises – End All US Support For The War In Yemen

  This weekend represents the 6th Anniversary of the start of the Saudi Bombing & Blockade of Yemen. For 6 years the United States has provided the Bombs, Jet Bombers, Shared Intelligence, Diplomatic Cover, as well as the advanced Strategic & Logistical Support necessary to kill thousands.  Additionally, the genocidal[Read More…]

by March 28, 2021