Articles by: Pat Ford

United States Imposes Additional Sweeping Costs on Russia! The White House/Department of State Commerce Treasury & US Trade Representative Bring Down The Hammer

  Statement Issued By Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State One year ago today, Russia launched its brutal and unprovoked full-scale war against Ukraine. We remain committed to supporting the people of Ukraine and are redoubling our efforts to promote accountability for the Kremlin’s war. Our economic sanctions, export controls,[Read More…]

by February 24, 2023

Joint Statement from Elected Leaders & Community Partners on the Future of the Cranston Street Armory (Spanish Version Included)

  City Council President Rachel Miller, Senator Sam Bell, Representative Enrique Sanchez, and Rebecca Atwood, President of the West Broadway Neighborhood Association, met with Housing Secretary Pryor Issued By The Providence City Council: On Thursday night, we had a conversation with state Housing Secretary Stefan Pryor. We were joined by[Read More…]

by February 24, 2023

The Economic Progress Institute Releases Summary of Rhode Island Governor’s Proposed Budget (Report Included)

  Budget surpluses and Rescue Plan funds present rare opportunity for long-term investment   Issued By The Economic Progress Institute: The Economic Progress Institute today released an analysis of Rhode Island Governor Dan Mckee’s proposed FY2024 budget and revised FY2023 budget. The budget analysis summarizes policy proposals and spending recommendations[Read More…]

by February 24, 2023

Back To School! Winters School Set to Reopen! Pawtucket School Committee Letter to Winters School Parents on Monday Opening!

  Acting School Superintendent Lisa Benedetti Ramzi shared the best of news to Parents & Students of The Henry Winters School in Pawtucket, Rhode Island … It’s back to business … errrr School. The already beloved, newly constructed school suffered a disastrous flood as a result of a broken heating[Read More…]

by February 24, 2023

Grebien Goes To Washington? Pawtucket Mayor Don Grebien Responds To Congressional Speculation!

And the door, as they say, has been left wide open. A statement from oft embattled Mayor Don Grebien on the prospects of filling the Congressional Seat vacated by Congressman David Cicilline … Congressman Cicilline has been a tremendous leader and a strong ally to the City of Pawtucket and[Read More…]

by February 21, 2023

Representative Jennifer Stewart (D59-Pawtucket) Wants Taxpayers to Understand the Facts & The Costs of Municipal Lawsuits. Why Are Some Upset?

  Video of Rhode Island House Testimony/Debate February 16, 2023 House Bill 5260 Initial Hearing: Rep Jennifer Stewart-Disclosure of Municipal Litigation Costs From Representative Jennifer Stewart-Pawtucket: My experience as a plaintiff in litigation challenging the unconstitutional time limits on political signs in Pawtucket inspired me to file House Bill 5260,[Read More…]

by February 18, 2023

House Whip Kazarian Introduces Legislation to Reduce Power Outages Across Rhode Island (Legislation Included)

    From The Office of Rhode Island Representative Katherine Kazarian: House Majority Whip Katherine S. Kazarian (D-Dist. 63, East Providence, Pawtucket) has introduced a bill (2023-H 5656) that would help reduce power outages and long-term energy system costs through the development of a more holistic, statewide approach toward managing[Read More…]

by February 17, 2023

Federal Delegation Brings Home The Bacon! Rhode Island Fire Departments Net $4.5M to Enhance Public Safety

  The Rhode Island Federal Delegation, Sen Reed, Sen Whitehouse, Congressman Cicilline & newly minted Congressman Seth Magaziner can claim scoreboard for 3 Rhode Island communities, bringing home 4.5$ million dollars in grants for Cumberland, Cranston, & Narragansett!   From The Office of Senator Jack Reed:   Cumberland, Cranston, and[Read More…]

by February 17, 2023

US Department of State Daily Press Briefing: Artificial Intelligence! Balloons! China! Israel! & More! … 02/16/23

  Vendent Patel, Principal Deputy Spokesperson, leads a US Department of State Daily Press Briefing: ArtificiaI Intelligence! Balloons! China! Israel! … to name just a few of the myriad of issues on February 16, 2023, in Washington, DC The Transcript: MR PATEL: Good afternoon, everybody. Give me one second. QUESTION: Ditto. Happy[Read More…]

by February 17, 2023


  From The Rhode Island Chapter of The American Civil Liberties Union Citing it as a quintessential example of the enormous difficulties parents often face in ensuring that schools meet their obligations to serve and protect the educational rights of  children with disabilities, the ACLU of Rhode Island today filed a[Read More…]

by February 16, 2023