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Restauranteur Dave Levesque: Proprietor Brewed Awakenings has essentially dismissed Governor Dan McKee. In a damning email, he essentially dismisses the efforts of McKee & Temporary DLT Honcho Matt Weldon, to address the “Underemployment Crisis” as “Weak Kneed”. Apparently, Weldon had implied a compromise had been met with competing legislation designed to incentivize a return to the work place.  And then, perhaps as a warning to others attempting to deal with a lost McKee Administration, simply abandoned communication.

The reporter referred to in the email, is Pat Ford, of The Coalition Talk Radio (See Clip Below) The Email, in it’s entirety, is listed below


Hello friends,

We worked hard trying to get this bill passed so we could get people off unemployment. The Governor is not going to support our bill, he made this very clear.

Today I did an interview with Channel 12, it will air on the 11:00 news segment,

Yesterday I had a call with Matt Weldon, DLT director, he pointed out that the bill included part-time workers, and this was a problem. I agreed to pull it out. He then wanted to cap to $39,000,000 so only 10,000 people could sign up, I loved the idea and believed it would put a sense of urgency into the workforce that is sitting idle on unemployment and get them to move quickly to sign up. I expressed that he had to push and let the Governor know that he believed in the bill and its potential value.

I asked Matt do you think the numbers we ran on this bill are good and the revenue generated can pay back the bill cost in under 9 months and he said yes, so there is no reason for Matt or the governor not to support it.  We left off with a pretty good compromise.

I felt he may become weak kneed, so I sent a message to the Governor stating how we had made progress and that there was room to support both bills.

Today I followed up with several emails to Matt before the press conference, reviewing our compromise and expressing that we are still waiting for the Governor to support our bill as well.

Well today when asked, the Governor pressed his hand to his head, lowering his head down, basically shutting the reporter down (See Video Above) and said we are supporting another bill that they believe will help. So, he has shut this bill down and therefore it will not be going anywhere.

Matt from DLT let us down as well, very disappointed.

I am very sorry!

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We all must just do our best and be creative with what we have with our own businesses. We should stick together as much as we can as a group because that is truly the only way that we will survive this.

If I can be of any assistance, please reach out.

The Governor has walked away from us in my opinion, so I’m walking away from him!

 Here is an example of the bill they support

Bill 6249  

 Bill 6249 is a modification of an existing program that exist under DLT and has 90 plus % opt out and lack of business support. Under this bill this group is always on unemployment

Their bill has two options:

Option 1 – 50%

It says if you collect $300 you can go out and earn (50% of your collection) $150 and get the Fed $300 these 3 parts equal $750. Paying that worker $15 per hour and they can only work 10 hours (no restaurant is hiring or investing in someone that works 10 hours a week). The program will fail.  (Also now explain to the people that work alongside this person that he makes $75 per worked hour and you make $15 or $20, and they can’t work more than the 10 hours or benefits are pulled) so the worker working for lower pay now must work longer and /or harder.)


Option 2 – 150%

 Now you also could choose to work 29.93 hours under their bad bill and earn $449 and collect $1.00 and trigger the fed $300 and make $750  (same amount as above but you work 19.93 hours more, who chooses option 2 to work 3 times as much for the same pay) the answer is no one will!  (also explain to the people that work alongside this person that he makes $25 per worked hour and you make $15 or $20, and they can’t work more than the 29.93 or benefits are pulled) So everyone wants option 1, work less make $75 per worked hour. So as the program sits now does not work and tossing more money at it won’t work neither.

 I do not know where to go from here, truly. I believe that this is only the beginning of our struggles and it will not be improving anytime soon. The only option that I could possibly see working is to form some type of formal group. I wish everyone the best in the upcoming months!



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