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Post Tagged with: "Levesque"

Brewed Awakenings Restauranteur Levesque Delivers Innovative Jobs Rescue Plan

Brewed Awakenings Restauranteur Levesque Delivers Innovative Jobs Rescue Plan

An exigent crisis is facing the American Workplace. Unemployment benefits, coupled with Federal relief funds, are in many places outpacing the traditional wage structure that was the engine for business function. The result? The marked inability for businesses to fully staff their storefronts … choosing between crippling price increases or shortened opening times. Nowhere has this been felt more urgently[Read More…]

by April 2, 2021 0 comments Business

The Coalition Radio Focus On Business: Dave Levesque – Rhode Island’s Brewed Awakenings 12/29/20 PT2

Dave Levesque, Proprietor Extraordinaire of Brewed Awakenings, joined The Coalition Focus On Business for the second part of the evenings proceedings. Brewed’s history, their evolution from Coffee House to a full Dining Experience. And of course, the Covid Era Challenges facing any Food/Entertainment Business. We talk supply chains, employees, fixed costs and a provocative discussion of Rhode Island’s response to[Read More…]

by January 9, 2021 0 comments Business