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RI Reaches Next Milestone in RI Gives Vax Challenge: Governor McKee, Rhode Island Foundation Announce $150,000 in Grants to Nonprofits as Part of Initiative To Encourage Rhode Islanders to Get Vaccinated

RI Reaches Next Milestone in RI Gives Vax Challenge: Governor McKee, Rhode Island Foundation Announce $150,000 in Grants to Nonprofits as Part of Initiative To Encourage Rhode Islanders to Get Vaccinated

  Governor Dan McKee and the Rhode Island Foundation announced today that they will award another $150,000 in grants to nonprofits on the frontlines of responding to COVID-19 as part of the RI Gives Vax Challenge. With this third round of grants, more than 15,000 people have now gotten their first dose of the vaccine since the program was launched on July[Read More…]

by August 5, 2021 0 comments Politics