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RI Housing issued this press release earlier today, announcing formally an RFP created for the purpose of creating a “comprehensive, statewide housing plan”.

The Coalition is in the process of reaching out to activists within the affordable housing community, as well as subject matter experts on the Rhode Island housing crisis, for comment.


From Rhode Island Department of Housing:

As part of its long-term efforts to strengthen the state’s housing stock, the State of Rhode Island has issued an RFP to provide support for the creation of a comprehensive, statewide housing plan.

The development of a statewide housing plan informed by data and outreach to stakeholders and municipalities will drive the strategic priorities of the Rhode Island Department of Housing, a new state office that was created by legislation passed in 2022 and officially becomes operational on January 1, 2023. Under the direction of the Secretary of Housing, a selected team will be tasked to assess current and future housing needs; identify barriers to meeting those needs; and establishing two-year, five-year, and 10-year housing production and preservation goals.

“Rhode Island is still challenged with clear and severe gaps in the affordability and accessibility of quality housing. Far too many Rhode Islanders, in every city and town and at every income level, are struggling to find and afford the housing they need,” said Rhode Island Secretary of Housing Josh Saal.

“As we continue the day-to-day work of investing immediately available funds in impactful projects and initiatives, we must also ensure we remain focused on building a more sustainable housing strategy that benefits all Rhode Islanders,” Secretary Saal said. “This type of long-term, evidence-based research and planning has never been done at a centralized, statewide level in Rhode Island, and it is critical to our mission of strengthening the state’s housing future.”



The solicitation for consultancy services was issued on Thursday, December 29. The deadline for proposals is Thursday, February 2, at 10 a.m.

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