From The Pawtucket School Department:

This morning it was discovered that another heating coil failed at Henry J. WInters Elementary School, causing more water damage to classrooms in the building. The damage is significantly lower than the previous as it was caught much earlier, however, it is enough to delay the reopening of Winters Elementary School. Given the circumstances, Winters Elementary will be closed on Monday, February 27 until further notice. We understand this is extremely frustrating for everyone and we are working around the clock to resolve the issue. 


We thank our families, teachers, and students for their patience throughout the past few weeks. We are working closely with Colliers and our partners to make the appropriate repairs and find the cause for these coil failures so this does not occur again. Reopening the Henry J. Winters Elementary School and the safety and wellbeing of our faculty, staff, and students remain our top priority.

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