Perhaps They Can Hold School At Tidewater Landing?
From The Office Of Mayor Donald Grebien:
“It has come to my attention that Winters Elementary School will not open on time tomorrow as had been promised to the community. There are a number of health and safety items that still need to be addressed. The City’s Fire Safety and Building Code compliance teams were at the building today with Superintendent Cheryl McWilliams, and despite efforts by the contractors to deliver the building on time for the scheduled start of the school year, the building is not ready to safely host our city’s children and teachers.
I am sorry for the children and families whose first day of school will be spoiled and pushed back due to this delay. I am disappointed that Winters will not open on time, like every other school. To the parents, students, teachers, and staff impacted by this delay, many of whom I’ve heard from this evening, I share your frustration, especially with the unacceptable lack of notice by the School Department until this evening. You are owed an apology and more. I will work with all involved to get to the bottom of why this unacceptable lack of communication happened to ensure it never happens again.
I have been told by Superintendent McWilliams that the School Department believes Winters will be able to open on Tuesday, September 6th. In the meantime, I know all families will be struggling to make unexpected childcare arrangements, and I know as a father how difficult that is. I will remain in communication with the School Department, continue to keep you as up to date as possible moving forward, and assist however the City can in order to ensure this state-of-the-art school opens as soon as possible. Ultimately, I know it will be worth this unfortunate wait for our youth to have access to such a facility for years to come.”

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