Agonia to Serve as Acting Chief of Staff During Chief of Staff Nicole Pollock’s Leave

Mayor Jorge Elorza today announced that Chief of External Affairs Theresa M. Agonia will transition to serve as Acting Chief of Staff starting December 6th, 2021 during Chief of Staff Nicole Pollock’s parental leave on an interim basis. Agonia will retain her role as Chief of External Affairs during this time and return to this role upon Pollock’s return.

“Both Nicole and Theresa have shown a proven track record of executive leadership in their current roles,” said Mayor Elorza. “We wish Nicole the best of luck during her leave and look forward to continuing our recovery work in Providence over the coming months.”

Agonia joined the Elorza Administration in January 2015, first serving as Deputy Chief of Staff and then Sr. Deputy Chief of Staff. She graduated from Roger Williams University with a degree in Media Communications and currently serves on the Boards of the Providence Performing Arts Center, RISE Women’s Leadership Council, and the Central Falls and Roger Williams University Alumni Associations.

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