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Endorsement Brings Added Emphasis To Candidate Morgenthau’s Security & Defense “Cred” – Not So Subtly Shifting Focus Away From Domestic Social Issues

In a move that highlights a tightening race for the Democratic nomination for an open 2nd District Rhode Island Congressional Seat, the Sarah Morgenthau Campaign announced the endorsement today of a formidable “Player” in the DC International Relations/Defense/Security Universe.

Jeh Jonson, Former Obama Administration Secretary of Homeland Security, now Board Member of the influential Center For A New American Security, announced his endorsement, joining national security experts The Steady State, Senators Gillibrand, Booker, & Carol Mosely Braun.

Johnson’s credentials are impressive, serving currently as a member of the Board of Directors of Lockheed Martin & U.S. Steel, as well as a trustee of his alma mater, Columbia University. (J.D Columbia Law School). Notably, Mr. Johnson received the “Peace Through Strength” Award in 2018, from the Ronald Reagan National Defense Forum, at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute.

The Cold Political Calculus? Morgenthau’s years of national security policy experience & credentials play very well to a national stage, particularly in areas of Cybersecurity & National Defense, filling a vacuum created by the retirement of Langevin. On a local basis, there exists real potential for Rhode Island firms to continue to benefit from this nexus. The Aquidneck Island, & Westerly economies, in particular, draw significantly on Defense spending, both in R&D, and manufacturing … A reality not often recognized in a State seemingly obsessed with it’s urban core.  The challenge for Ms. Morgenthau? Overcoming Mr. Magaziner’s relentless focus on a diet of social issues, mixed with a demonstrated ability to deliver infrastructure.

From The Morgenthau Campaign:

Today, Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson announced his endorsement of Sarah Morgenthau in her campaign to represent Rhode Island’s 2nd Congressional District.

“I endorse Sarah Morgenthau for Congress. With experience in government ranging from senior-level positions in the Peace Corps, the Commerce Department to Homeland Security, it is hard to imagine someone more qualified to assume a seat in Congress,” said Johnson, “I have personally observed Sarah’s commitment to public safety and homeland security. I know her values. Her love of noble public service runs all throughout her DNA. If the people of Rhode Island’s 2nd congressional district want a smart, capable, and tenacious representative in Washington, vote for Sarah Morgenthau.”

Morgenthau worked under Secretary Johnson as the first woman to lead the Private Sector Office at the Department of Homeland Security, working with law enforcement, business leaders, and community organizations to combat domestic terrorism and radicalization at the local and national level.

“I am thankful for the support of my friend, Secretary Johnson,” said Morgenthau. “At a time of unprecedented national security threats, it is more important than ever to elect members of Congress who will work to protect our critical infrastructure, and protect against domestic terror and cyber security threats.”

Secretary Johnson joins Senator Cory Booker, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Fmr. Senator Carol Moseley Braun, and the growing group of national and local leaders who have endorsed Morgenthau’s campaign. Earlier this month, Morgenthau was endorsed by The Steady State, a group of over 200 former and current national security professionals.


Sarah Morgenthau recently served in the Biden Administration as Deputy Assistant Secretary for the National Travel and Tourism Office, working closely with Former Governor of Rhode Island Gina Raimondo at the U.S. Department of Commerce. She previously served in the Obama Administration, where she headed Peace Corps Response, including initiatives to strengthen health care, education, agriculture, and address environmental issues in more than 50 countries, and at the Department of Homeland Security, helping to secure our nation’s critical infrastructure and strengthen our cybersecurity.

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