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Map Version D of House Senate Districts 

See that tiny, oh so little incursion of Rhode Island Senate District 22 into Lincoln Rhode Island?

The approved version (Version D) of the 2020 US Census driven Rhode Island Redistricting moves a slice of Senate District 17, represented by Senator Thomas Paolino, (which represents most of Lincoln and most of North Smithfield) into Senate District 22, the district of Joint Commission on Redistricting Co Chair Archambault

Coincidentally, the land mass moved includes property personally owned by Co Chair Archambault. Sources claim that he is planning near term construction of a personal residence there.

Prior To this redistricting, Lincoln had no presence in District 22. Under the new plan: (From

Troubling? This will force the Town of Lincoln to create a new Precinct, with all the attendant costs, for 605 people. Voting booths, mailing costs, staffing, location … the whole enchilada.

Troubling? The population of every Senate District must be no more than plus or minus 5% of the mean. Under the newly adopted plan, Paolino’s District 17 is 4.98% under the average. Archambault’s new District 22 will be 3.51% over the average. Razor. Thin. Margins.

Did Senator Archambault really just engage in gerrymandering his district to include his new home?

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