It’s Endorsement Season, and Republican RI Senate Candidate (District 26-Cranston) Jenn Caputi announced two significant endorsements in the last 24 hours …

From the Jenn Caputi Campaign:


Jenn Caputi Announces RI Right to Life Committee Endorsement 

Jenn Caputi, candidate for State Senate in District 26, is proud to announce her endorsement by Rhode Island Right to Life, an organization dedicated to defending the dignity of human life from conception until natural death.

“I am honored to receive this endorsement,” said Caputi. “I fully support Rhode Island Right to Life’s mission to protect innocent life at every stage. From conception to natural death, every life has inherent value and must be defended.”

Caputi echoes the organization’s belief that any deliberate attack on innocent life—whether unborn, elderly, or disabled—undermines the common good and harms society as a whole. “Our laws must reflect the intrinsic worth of every individual. Allowing the taking of innocent life diminishes our respect for all human beings,” she stated.

As a longtime Cranston resident, attorney, and community advocate, Jenn Caputi is committed to policies that protect the most vulnerable and uphold the sanctity of life.

For more information about Jenn Caputi and her campaign, visit

Jenn Caputi Announces National Rifle Association (NRA) Endorsement

Jenn Caputi, candidate for State Senate in District 26, is proud to announce her endorsement by the National Rifle Association (NRA), a leading organization dedicated to defending the Second Amendment and the constitutional right to bear arms.

“I am honored to have the support of the NRA and stand firmly with them in upholding our Second Amendment rights,” said Caputi. “The right to bear arms is a fundamental liberty enshrined in the Constitution, and it shall not be infringed. I will always defend this right for responsible, law-abiding citizens.”

Caputi believes in protecting individual freedoms and ensuring that Rhode Islanders retain their right to self-defense and the responsible use of firearms. She will advocate for policies that respect these freedoms while promoting safety within the community.

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