The Plaintiffs in McKee V. Southwell have taken their battle back to the Courts … Filing to Hold the State of Rhode Island Department of Health, under the legal direction of $108K/Year Interim Legal Honcho Julia Wyman, ss the State of Rhode Island Department of Health failed to respond to their Attorney Gregory Piccirilli’s request to explain rogue language inserted in a settlement that had been “workshopped” for in excess of a year.
Prior Reporting: Flash! Did The Rhode Island Department of Health Just Try A “Bait & Switch” On A Legal Settlement? – Coalition Radio Network
“So here we are. We trusted that the Defendants and their Attorneys would propose the regulation which we have been discussing since April of 2023 and what we agreed to. Instead, RIDOH saw fit to change to regulation and try to sneak it past the Plaintiffs. Most disturbing, as this Court must notice, is to claim the RIDOH is that they can issue a regulation absent any scientific basis or proof.”
Plaintiff motion for contempt