In a special edition of “Eyez On Pawtucket”, video & emails are provided documenting attempts to notify a variety of law enforcement authorities about dangerous interactions between Pawtucket Police Officer Dolan & the community. The obvious question ? Why Officer Dolan was allowed to continue as an active Police Officer.
In this edition, the discussion centered around a disturbance between Officer Dolan, managing a detail in front of Mr. Moreira’s home. Egress from Mr. Moreira’s home driveway was blocked, despite his refusal to allow parking on his private property’s driveway. As the video shows, Officer Dolan escalated the situation, which led to a violent exchange.
We will continue to provide additional data/emails/videos in the coming days.
—–Original Message—–
To: <>
Sent: Fri, Jun 25, 2021 12:07 am
Subject: Fwd: Pawtucket today
Ms. Crocker,
I told you about Mr. Dolan ….I warned the PPD and I TOLD YOU and you still gave them the Accreditation. HE HAS NOW SHOT A KID WHILE OFF DUTY. You should have looked for the 2 IA investigations…ONE OF HIM BEATING THAT MAN and THE OTHER WHERE HE GROPED A YOUNG GIRL. I WARNED THE CHIEF AND IA THAT HE WAS A PROBLEM AND NOW LOOK!!!!! Your organization closed your eyes to the problems.
Guess you didn’t look into it as well as one would expect?
My reaching out didn’t make a difference. Sad!
Lynn Farinelli
—–Original Message—– From: To: Sent: Mon, Dec 16, 2019 9:32 pm Subject: Re: Pawtucket today
Ms. Crocker,
I am looking for an update on the accreditation for Pawtucket.
Thank you
Lynn Farinelli
—–Original Message—– From: RIPAC <> To: lsyenann5 <> Sent: Tue, Aug 27, 2019 6:02 pm Subject: RE: Pawtucket today
Good Evening Ms. Farinelli,
I want to thank you for providing me with your concerns involving the Pawtucket Police Department’s desire to be reaccredited. I will review each of your concerns as they relate to the accreditation standards and discuss them with the agency. Once I am satisfied we have addressed your concerns I will provide you with my findings.
As for the call-in session I am not sure why you could not get through. I was at the agency for the telephone session and was not aware of any issues with the phone line which was accessible only the assessors. It would not make any sense for them to deliberately stop calls from coming in as they advertised the phone number as well as my contact information in the Valley Breeze. Stopping us from receiving calls would not prevent anyone from contacting me directly just as you did.
I will look into the phone issue as well.
Again, I thank you for taking the time to contact me.
Christine Crocker
RIPAC Executive Director
Accreditation is a journey,
not a destination!
From: <> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2019 4:27 PM To: Subject: Fwd: Pawtucket today
And here we are AGAIN with that Telephone line not working. I told you about this last year and I can’t believe it happened again this year!!!!
Pawtucket has been a disaster in many areas of Policy and Law. I would like to give you just a few examples here and am more than willing to sit with anyone from your team to go over many other issues. I have been surprised that Pawtucket has actually received this accreditation in the past and hope my words today are not just read, but read with the sincerity and concern I intend them to be read.
#1. I am shocked that the Pawtucket Police Evidence Department passed the last round. I was informed that almost 100 bicycles were taken from the Evidence “locker” and given away. Not only were they given away, they were given away with the Evidence Tags still attached. When I was finally able to locate these Bikes I took the time to call the OWNERS on the tags to see if they were interested in getting their bikes back. I informed the Chief of Police that indeed these people wanted their PROPERTY RETURNED and I was ignored. The ACLU got involved and asked for answers as to how this happened and was IGNORED as well.
I’m sure you can imagine the concern that if almost 100 bikes can just disappear out of the evidence locker, what else is walking out the back door. I have the pictures of these bikes that I can forward to you for your review upon request.
#2. As a community leader, I have been sent videos of some very disturbing arrests. One recently with a Patrolman admitting to 3-5 closed fist strikes to a man’s face. I have the pictures of the damage done to this man. I also have a video of a small child screaming and crying for them to get off this man as he couldn’t breathe. This small child was traumatized and the entire incident was because this man didn’t want construction workers parking in his yard. The Patrolman on detail, instead of de-escalating the situation Escalated it to a level that was unsafe for the citizens.
#3. The Chief of Police lied to me about paperwork regarding my son’s case. I called her a liar (Under my breath) and she chased me telling me she was going to have me removed for Disorderly. #1 my free speech is not disorderly and #2 the scene she made was very disorderly.
#4. And this is probably one of the biggest issues. As you are aware, Police reports have a date the report is created, modified and approved. The Pawtucket Police department has implemented a policy that the information is NO LONGER SUPPLIED when you are requesting a Police report. As you can imagine, this is very UNETHICAL. This gives the PPD the opportunity to Modify that report over and over or create a Police report weeks or months later. And the fact that the ORIGINALS can’t be obtained is a problem. My son’s report was modified many times only to be told I can’t see what was originally stated. In fact, my son died in May 2014 and Modifications were made to his report August 2014 after an INTERNAL AFFAIRS Investigation.
#5. My son’s case was never investigated. In fact my son was never even identified and the police officer lied to the medical examiner. My son’s case alone should prohibit them from ever being accredited!!! But for some reason they got the accreditation. Moving forward the information I have obtained over the past 2 years will not only shock the public but it should shake your process. You see, my son’s file has been accessed over 480 times. This is a case that they NEVER investigated. When going thru the activity log we noticed that the file had also been printed NUMEROUS TIMES. When the City Lawyer was asked where the prints were, he had no answers. So my son’s file has been printed and viewed with no accountability as to where this information is going. Mr. Driscoll stated to us that my son’s file has been locked…as seen on the activity log it has been locked, viewed, printed, locked OVER AND OVER.
#6. I hope you are paying attention to the News as it relates to Pawtucket and their Internal Affairs (Professional standards) investigations. They are not only being sued by the ACLU in a few cases, they are also not taking IA complaints. I can supply you with more information on that as well.
#7. Please show us that you are paying attention. This Police Department needs help and the more they get Accredited, the more things not only stay the same…over the past few years it has gotten worse.
I am available to discuss any of the above issues and this is just a SMALL snapshot of what is really going on down there. I am also very willing to supply you with files you might need (pictures of the bikes, police reports, activity logs and so on).
—–Original Message—–
Sent: Mon, Aug 5, 2019 10:45 am
Subject: The charges need to be dropped!!!! This is going to make it to the MEDIA if the charges aren’t dropped for this disgusting assault BY PPD!!!!!
I just went thru the last video of that day….Hearing and seeing a small child screaming “He can’t breath” as this man is on the ground and Dolan has beat his face ….10000% DISGUSTING!!!!!! This child goes on for a few minutes screaming and crying…….THis was over Dolan escalating this situation instead of telling the construction workers to move their vehicles out of this guys yard. Dolan is telling him to stop resisting/moving….this guy is standing still!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Video cameras don’t lie!!!!!
Why did Tina tell RIPAC she didn’t know about this? No worries…It was reported and should have been investigated as a complaint and ya’ll just proved that was NEVER DONE!!! Is that how you keep IA complaints of Misconduct down? IGNORING THEM? I told you I have the video..I also have pictures of Michael’s face after he was PUNCHED 3-5 times in his face … (Clearly even states this on the POLICE REPORT).
Did I just watch YET another video with Dolan acting a fool? It appears this woman was inappropriately grabbed by Dolan. And can you tell me since when it is appropriate for a cop to PUNCH A MAN IN THE FACE? (3-5 CLOSED FIST STRIKES)…..I have the VIDEO of that day, that police report and pictures of the damage done to that man’s face. And now the Police take orders from the construction guys? Why? Cause they are getting paid for the detail? Construction dude states the guy is going to be arrested and then Dolan makes it happen? COME ON…..Yet another case of bullying…They didn’t like what the other guy was saying so they arrested him…..Your DEPARTMENT IS FALLING APART UNDER YOUR LEADERSHIP and unless you get some control….THINGS are NOT GOING TO GET BETTER!!!!! They all call you invisible….instead of living up to that nickname…Maybe you can start making some changes? I’m sure you were in the neighborhood that day…Probably doing some Evictions for Don!!!! Why does the video not match the report?
Might I suggest all charges be dropped on these two men and a possible excessive force settlement?
As the CO-FOUNDER of the RIAP I will put this on our website (Video has been downloaded to many disks to be sent to media as well) and we can let the PUBLIC sort it out. OR YOU CAN DO THE RIGHT THING!!!!
On a side note…I hope Dolan isn’t related to Teddy…That would be horrible!!!! Ted was a great guy…He even traveled home from Florida (one of hundreds of cops of all ranks, detectives and chiefs that attended) when my dad died to pay his respects. May they both rest in peace watching the shit show this city has become under this out of control Police Department.
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