Sixty-Day Amnesty Program Waives Interest for Eligible Taxpayers


Residents of La Prov! An opportunity to “get right” with those fine folks at Providence City Hall. And yes, we’ve got questions. We’ll be reaching out to Mayor Smiley’s Office to get additional details ….


From The Office of Providence Mayor Brett P. Smiley:

Mayor Brett P. Smiley announced today the launch of the Tax Amnesty Program designed to provide individuals and businesses with overdue tangible and motor vehicle taxes the opportunity to resolve tax delinquencies without accruing interest. This program aims to alleviate the burden on taxpayers facing financial challenges by offering eligible individuals and businesses a waiver of interest on outstanding taxes predating the current fiscal year. This program has been successfully deployed in other Rhode Island communities and the legislation to allow all municipalities to participate was supported by the Administration last legislative session.  


“We know that past-due taxes can be a burden to other opportunities for our community. By offering a window to pay off these taxes without penalties, we hope to provide some relief and a path forward to our residents and local business owners,” said Mayor Brett Smiley. “Through this program, any person or business that has fallen behind on their taxes will be able to pay their balance without worrying about the additional obstacle of accumulated interest.” 


Scheduled to begin today and run through June 30, 2024, the program allows eligible taxpayers to settle their outstanding balances without the accrued interest or penalties. To qualify for the waiver, taxpayers must submit a written request, signed and dated, accompanied by full payment within the allocated 60-day window. Applicants can submit their applications in person or by mail to the Tax Collector, Room 203, 25 Dorrance Street, Providence, RI 02903. The City will not grant waivers of interest and of late charges for any taxes owed for the year during which the amnesty period applies. 


Individuals and businesses are not eligible for the Tax Amnesty Program if the tax account falls under one of these categories:


·         Tax accounts currently under litigation or marked for litigation by the City’s contracted collection agency and/or attorney. 

·         Those under active payment plans with the City’s contracted collection agency and/or attorney. 

·         Those bearing unsatisfied court judgments for unpaid taxes. 


Eligible parties must submit a Tax Amnesty Application and full payment of overdue taxes by June 30, 2024. 




For additional details, visit and direct any inquiries to the City of Providence’s Tax Collector office at or by phone at 401-331-5252.

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