Rhody Foody Social x 345 by Plant City

345 South Water Street,Providence,02903,US

Event: https://facebook.com/events/s/rhody-foody-social-x-345-by-pl/940665366608643/ RHODY FOODY SOCIAL Join us Tuesday May 24th starting 5:30pm at 345 by Plant City in Providence, RI | Social Meet & Eat + Pop Up Tasting. Enjoy an evening of fun, music, making new foody friends and exclusive light fare bites from the culinary team at 345[Read More...]

Campaign Kickoff for Senator Thomas J. Paolino – Kirkbrae Country Club Ballroom and Balcony

197 Old River Rd, Lincoln, RI 02865-1113, United States

Event: https://facebook.com/events/s/campaign-kickoff-for-senator-t/492910672565390/ Come join me, family, friends, constituents, and elected officials for a night of food, drinks and fun. While I would be honored by your presence, if you cannot attend and would still like to contribute, you can mail a check to: Friends of Thomas J. Paolino to 19[Read More...]