On Medicaid Day of Action, RI Delegation to Emphasize Medicaid’s Role in Supporting Behavioral and Mental Health
345 Blackstone Blvd Providence ProvidenceFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:March 17, 2025CONTACT: Chip Unruh (Reed), 202-224-4642Meaghan McCabe (Whitehouse), 202-224-2921Noah Boucher (Magaziner), 202-225-2735Guillermo Perez (Amo), 202-225-4911 ***MEDIA ADVISORY***On Medicaid Day of Action, RI Delegation to Emphasize Medicaid’s Role in Supporting Behavioral and Mental HealthProvidence, RI – Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 18 at 11:15 AM, Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse will join Congressmen Seth Magaziner and Gabe Amo at a[Read More...]