On Medicaid Day of Action, RI Delegation to Emphasize Medicaid’s Role in Supporting Behavioral and Mental Health

345 Blackstone Blvd Providence Providence

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:March 17, 2025CONTACT: Chip Unruh (Reed), 202-224-4642Meaghan McCabe (Whitehouse), 202-224-2921Noah Boucher (Magaziner), 202-225-2735Guillermo Perez (Amo), 202-225-4911 ***MEDIA ADVISORY***On Medicaid Day of Action, RI Delegation to Emphasize Medicaid’s Role in Supporting Behavioral and Mental HealthProvidence, RI – Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 18 at 11:15 AM, Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse will join Congressmen Seth Magaziner and Gabe Amo at a[Read More...]

Economic Progress Institute Media Advisory: Sponsors, advocates to rally in support of Multilingual Education

Sens. Mark McKenney and Lammis Vargas and Rep. David Morales will be joined by the Economic Progress Institute, the Latino Policy Institute and Conexion Latina Newport at a State House rally tomorrow to call for the passage of legislation to invest in multilingual education in Rhode Island. The event is scheduled tomorrow, Tuesday, March 18, at 3 p.m. in front[Read More...]